Discover Dr. Seuss's Real Name
Dr. Seuss's real name is Theodore Seuss Geisel. Named Theodore after his father, the Seuss came from his mother’s maiden name. Growing up, Theodore was more commonly called Ted.
So, if Dr. Seuss's true name is Ted Geisel, then how did the name “Dr. Seuss” come about? Well, some could say the beginnings of this famous name first came about while Ted was attending Dartmouth College.
As punishment for waking up his landlord while throwing a party, the Dean of the college made Ted resign as editor of the Jack O’Lantern, the school’s humor magazine. In order to keep editing, writing & drawing cartoons, Ted Geisel would sign his name as Ted Seuss or sometimes just, Seuss.
So, we found out where “Seuss” came from. But, what about “Dr.”?
Ted added the “Dr.” while working for the magazine publication, Judge. Assigned to a regular cartoon feature about animals called “Boids & Beasties”, Ted signed his name Dr. Theophastrus Seuss to sound more professional.
Soon, Theodore Geisel was signing Dr. Seuss on all his work (saving his real name for the great novel he would write someday).
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